Pick Up My Junk!
See Why Thousands Choose
Dump-It Junk Removal
Our Service
Dump-It recycles as well as donates up to 80% of all items removed to help reduce waste.
Price Comparison
Why pay more? Dump-It is the most competitively priced professional junk removal company in the Seattle area.
Dump-It At Work
We haul it all! Whether it's furniture, concrete, yard-waste or construction debirs, Dump-It will get any job completed in no time.
Customer Reviews
Real feedback from real customers. Nobody beats our 5 star service and affordable rates!
How We Work
Step 1 - Book It
Scheduling is fast and easy. Book an appointment online or call 1-877-386-7695 and speak with someone directly. Appointments are available 7 days a week.
Step 2 - Quote It
On the day of your 2 hour appointment window, you will receive a 15 -30 minute courtesy call prior to arrival. Once our crew arrives, you will receive a full estimate.
Step 3 - Dump It
Upon your approval, our Dump-It team does all the heavy lifting and loading of your unwanted items for you. Our trained team will make sure your junk gets recycled, donated, or disposed of properly.